Unsolicited Application for Cancer Research Positions in the Robert Bosch Center for Tumor Diseases
- Part-time
- Tätigkeitsfeld: Initiativbewerbung
- Beschäftigungsumfang: Voll- oder Teilzeit
Company Description
The Robert Bosch Center for Tumor Diseases (RBCT) is a research institute at the Bosch Health Campus of the Robert Bosch Stiftung. Its work focuses on research into the molecular mechanisms of cancer, which can be used to develop and improve innovative therapies. Research focuses on pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, leukemia and colorectal cancer. Specifically, we aim to understand and exploit tumor-specific vulnerabilities for improved anti-cancer treatment. Our work largely focuses on epigenetic and transcriptional mechanisms controlling tumor cell identity and therapeutic responsiveness.
Job Description
You haven't found the right vacancy in our job advertisements? You are welcome to send us an unsolicited application via our online career portal to be included in our pool of applicants. We may get in touch with you later. Also candidates for B.Sc., M.Sc. projects and other related internships are encouraged to apply via this portal.
Please note that the following requirements and documents are mandatory for an unsolicited application:
- High sense of curiosity and clear desire and dedication to transform cancer therapy through innovative research.
- Application should include: (1) a cover letter including motivation for joining the RBCT team, (2) copies of all degree certificates and academic transcripts, (3) a list of three potential references, (4) your curriculum vitae and (5) if appropriate, relevant publications.
- A high sense of responsibility, motivation, commitment, ability to deal with conflict and reliability.
- Independent, goal-oriented and structured way of working and ability to work in a team.
- Confident handling of the common computer applications (e.g., MS Office, Windows, etc.).
- Enjoy working in an international environment.
- Confident written and spoken English skills.
Additional Information
We offer you:
- An interesting area of responsibility with a wide variety of tasks
- A performance-related salary with an additional pension scheme and a subsidized job ticket
- Working in a committed team, characterized by mutual appreciation and support
- Extensive training and further education opportunities
- Company health management and fitness programs
- JobRad leasing and employee discounts at a large number of companies
- If required, employee housing and childcare facilities for our employees' children at a daycare center nearby
Dr. Steven A. Johnsen, PhD
Scientific Director
E-mail: [email protected]
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